What musical delights will week 46 bring us? I will give you a breakdown in this Gigs Weekly. For this week it difficult to find interesting concerts to talk about. There is just not much interesting happening in the Netherlands at the moment. I found that the the theatre season is now in full swing. For example, Ilse de Lange has been working on her theatre tour for quite some time, and even Kovacs appears on the theatre calendar.

Monday 14 November 2022: Cari Cari - Bitterzoet, Amsterdam
A good start to the week, a nice band and a nice venue. Amsterdam is relatively close to me, however, cars and Amsterdam don't mix very well, so I prefer not to visit locations like Paradiso, the Melkweg, which are located in the center of Amsterdam. Bitterzoet is also located in the city center, but the advantage of this location is that there is an affordable parking garage at a 10-minute walk from Bitterzoet. This location is ideal for people who depend on a car to visit.
Back to Cari Cari, they played last year in Hedon, Zwolle, as the support act for My Baby. I was so impressed with this band that I immediately added them to my Spotify list. This indie band has a special sound, which is difficult to describe. I think it is more electro indie music, very flowing, and a little dreamy. The addition of didgeridoo made me interested. In the photo above she is also holding this in her hand. This is one of my own photos taken at their performance in Hedon.
There are still tickets available for this show, so click on the link above, they have a reasonable price of €14.50!

Friday 18 November 2022: Paceshifters - Hedon, Zwolle
Wow, 15 years already! This band will be celebrating their anniversary soon. I've met them a few times in Hedon, and live they are just very good. On my very first shift at Hedon they performed. Whenever they play at Hedon, I try to attend, usually from behind the bar. Yes, I'm that bartender who sings along to Drone, my favorite song.
Drone was the song that once convinced me and still does every time I hear it. To me it remains their best song ever. With the new album, well "new" it is already a year old, they are taking a new path. Somewhat calmer waters, instead of the turbulent sea we are used to.
There are still tickets available for this show, so you will find a link above to the Hedon website, order a ticket quickly and enjoy this great band. By the way, sometimes it may sound like these messages are sponsored but they are not, I just wat the bands I support to have a full house!

Saturday 19 November 2022: Guano Apes - Melkweg, Amsterdam
I can not help my self, I need to talk about the Guano Apes this Gigs Weekly. Their only hit in the Netherlands was "Open Your Eyes". This was in the 90s, when I was still in primary school and my musical choices were still cautious and "normal". This hit the top 40 chart and I thought yes this is it, this is my kind of music. No Five, Backstreet Boys, Boyzone, or the Spice Girls, this is what I like. This song was on Hitzone 7 which a Dutch collection cd compiling all the hits of that moment on 1 cd. I think they came out monthly. Open Your Eyes was the most played song on that CD.
I still own various of these CD's still, they are a nice souvenir from my youth, but also a great source of history of the Dutch pop music scene. Do you also cherish those warm memories of Open Your Eyes, or was your favorite Lord of the Boards?

Saturday the 19th and Sunday 20th November 2022: Opeth - TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht
Opeth is progressive heavy metal band, or that's how the internet describes this Swedish band. In the genre, this is a name with a huge track record. And with 13 studio albums you should certainly not underestimate them. Still, I don't know very much about this band, so I dived into it for you, because to me it may be a big name, but I've never delved into their music before. I was pleasantly surprised when I listened to this, it's not at all what I expected. It somehow reminds me of a band I once saw in Hedon, Arena, although I must say that they did make slightly more complex music, which is more theatrical than Opeth. So Opeth, to be seen in TivoliVredenburg, I say just go and experience. PS. They must have a huge fan base as both shows are sold out already!
That is it for this weeks Gigs Weekly, which acts are you going to see live this week? Let me knw in the comments!